Armor All® Ultra Shine Headlight Restorer Kit

Product Description
Armor All® Headlight Restorer Kit has been specifically formulated to restore yellow and hazy headlight lenses back to clarity with ease.
- Removes Yellow Haze & Oxidation
- Helps Prevent Re-staining
- Improves Visibility
- Kit Includes:
- 1 Mini Buffing Tool
- 6 Abrasive Buffing Discs
- 1 Headlight Polish Cream
- 1 Headlight Lubricant Spray
Usage Directions
PRE APPLICATION: For best results, apply in the shade to a clean, dry and cool headlight lens.
- Wash headlight lens to remove any dirt or debris. Chamois dry. Use masking tape to protect surrounding paintwork and rubber seals.
- Shake the Headlight Polish Cream and apply onto one headlight with a soft microfibre cloth. Lightly rub a small area of the headlight lens at a time. Buff off cream with the dry side of the cloth.
- Spray Headlight Lubricant to the affected surface of the lens and apply the asterisk shaped buffing disc to Mini Buffing Tool and buff out the surface.
- Then apply the round buffing disc to the Mini Buffing Tool and continue buffing. Keep the surface lubricated with spray.
- Replace with the octagon shaped buffing disc to finalise the buffing.
- Finish off with Headlight Polish Cream by repeating Step 1.
ARMOR ALL® Tip: Use an ARMOR ALL® Car Wash to help keep the surface of the headlights clean.